Tuesday, September 6, 2011

What You Need to Know

Since you've taken the time out of your already very busy day to stop by and grace my humble blog with your austere, yet rather virtual presence, I've decided to let you know what the heck is going on here!  I created this blog as an assignment for my writing class, but I will probably post in it more than is required for the class because I think I'm going to enjoy this a little more than I should... Ah guilty pleasure. How I've missed you.
Anyway. I'll post every once in a while about how things are going, because lets be honest, facebook is getting boring.... And that new chat side bar thing, really? I feel as though facebook is trying to point out how many of my friends are NOT on facebook and are probably off having fun with out me.  Or they're just doing homework.  Wait... I'm supposedly "doing homework." How did I end up on facebook? ... they're having fun with out me, aren't they?  And why on earth did Bill like "playing with my pet parrot"? He doesn't even own a parrot!
My point here isn't to hate on facebook.  I'm just pointing out how it's not as good as it once was... 
But anyway, just in case you want to be "friends" aka "this one guy I met once at... something..." then here's a link to my facebook page.


  1. Wow! I love the video you posted about Facebook. He has a great way of pointing out the idiosyncrasies of the ideas behind facebook. Thank you for that laugh.

  2. Great video, haha, facebook definitely gets boring, yet we always go back to it...

  3. YOu know I would have to agree with that 100% I remember the good old days about 2 years ago, but ever since I have returned from a mission, it just seems different. And what is up with all the ridiculous e-mails that you continually get for not checking your Facebook, or little ads from it!

  4. Facebook ruins my life and my grades!!! great post
