Tuesday, September 27, 2011

OpEd process

So I'm posting about what I thought of the process we used to write our Opinion Editorials.  I liked the process very much; I thought it effectively got us to take a serious look at the editing process.
We wrote our first draft, then had a conference with Chris (our professor) and he gave us his comments.  Then we wrote our second draft and took it into the writing center and got their input; we also did a peer review having each person read and comment on another person's Opinion Editorial.  After making our third and final draft, we posted it to our blogs.
I think this was an effective way to get very different sources of opinions and it effectively helped us to think about new possibilities for our Opinion Editorials.

1 comment:

  1. Peer review was great, as was my conference with Chris. I didn't really enjoy the writing lab, and will probably only go next time for extra credit. the wait was ridiculous, and it was overall not very helpful.
